The WFO-Advanced is the latest prototype Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) workstation developed at the Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL). The WFO-Advanced features a two-dimensional display (D2D) of meteorological data provided by national and local services (MacDonald and Wakefield, 1996). To complement the D2D design, FSL developers created an efficient programmatic interface to simplify the integration of local applications into the system. In describing the functions of the D2D application interface, this paper covers how new and existing programs can become D2D applications, what requests they can send to the interface, and what notifications they receive from the interface. It also surveys the kinds of applications currently deployed along with the D2D software, and concludes with a comparison of the application interface with the D2D extension framework, an alternative way for forecasters and developers to provide customized functions to D2D.
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