CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) continues to be an active participant in the GOES-R Proving Ground, whose goal is to prepare operational forecasters for the many new products that will be available when the first of the GOES-R satellites is launched in 2015-16. The Proving Ground aso gives forecasters the chance to provide feedback on these new products before they become operational, and by doing so impact the very products they may someday use. This is a great opportunity for operational forecasters to have a say in what products will be most useful for their needs in the future. In this talk an overview and update on the various GOES-R Proving Ground activities will be given. CIRA is involved in a wide range of products that are being tested and reviewed at a number of WFOs, as well as at some national centers and during special experimental periods. Emphasis will be placed on highlights over the last year and some of the issues that forecasters have discussed thusfar.
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