The Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology (SHyMet) program is a joint effort between NOAA NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service), and two of NOAAâ s cooperative Institutes - the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) and the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS). Recent SHyMet training has focused on GOES-R imagery and products being used in the GOES-R Proving Ground. In preparation for the launch of the GOES-R satellite in 2015, a new course is being prepared by the SHyMet team (â GOES-R Instruments and Productsâ ) so that users are prepared by the time the satellite data is ready for usage. The course will consist of existing training sessions in addition to new training content and will be updated dynamically as needed. The course will be customized with training needs of the student assessed during registration. This customized approached allows for more flexibility by the students to decide which topics to learn about within a course that will contain a diverse set of topics. Not only will the course function as a â placeâ where users knows where to find GOES-R related training, but it will provide clarification of multiple products on the same phenomena.
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