The Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) has been in development for 6 years at the NOAA/OAR/ERSL Global Systems Division in Boulder, Colorado. During this time, the MADIS has become the largest surface and upper-air observing data portal in the world, aggregating over 40,000 stations and 150 networks with hundreds of end-users accessing the MADIS quality controlled and formatted data portfolio. As a result of MADIS' proven capabilities and tangible impact to National Weather Service (NWS) services, MADIS has been selected by NOAA to be transitioned from research to operations. This paper will outline the MADIS transition, provide background information on the process by which the current architecture was selected, describe the MADIS system architecture, capabilities, and operational roles and responsibilities planned for the NWS operational implementation, and discuss the time-line and services available for its Initial and Full Operating Capabilities. Finally, this paper will outline plans for future MADIS product improvements with emphasis on support for the Next Generation Air Transport System (NextGen) and Department of Transportation (DoT) Road Weather Information System.
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