The NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) has been actively involved with state and local air quality forecasters across the U.S. through the use of FX-Net. FX-Net is a weather forecasting workstation that provides access to operational NOAAPort data using an Internet connection. FSL has been developing this system since 1997. Previous versions of the workstation (Madine, et al, 2002) have provided a solid, operational system that continues to expand with new tools and data sets. The most recent version of FX-Net leverages the latest AWIPS server developments to deliver a full suite of National Weather Service (NWS) data. FX-Net file server and client automatically update client menus when specialized data sets are added to the data servers. FX-Net provides state agencies and other air quality forecasters access to an expansive tool, which can help create timely warnings and accurate forecasts. With the addition of new data sets, FX-Net has become an indispensable tool to the air-quality forecast community. FX-Net is also a valuable to air quality researchers and is used for support of numerous air quality programs.
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