The WFO-Advanced workstation is a central component of the AWIPS modernization effort. In addition to providing data display and manipulation capabilities, WFO-Advanced also provides hooks that allow software developers to incorporate additional functionality. One example of such functionality is MetGen, a productivity tool being developed at the Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) for the generation of aviation weather products. MetGen, designed for use by forecasters at the NCEP Aviation Weather Center, generates AIRMETS as well as consistent high-resolution grids of the hazards for which AIRMETs are issued, such as icing and turbulence (Rodgers et al. 1999). Development of MetGen is funded by the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program under the auspices of the FAA Product Development Team for the Aviation Gridded Forecast System. Using MetGen as an illustration, this paper describes the types of additional functionality the workstation supports, and the high level requirements for creating such a tool.
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