When retrieving geophysical parameters, it is advantageous to have an estimate of prior information that is based on observations with associated uncertainties, but this is often not possible. Long-term ground-based remote sensing measurements and the ozonesonde program at Summit Station, Greenland, provide an opportunity to create a unique framework to retrieve atmospheric ozone using observationally based prior information in the Arctic. This study investigates the potential of using the ground-based polar atmospheric emitted radiance interferometer (P-AERI) to estimate ozone below 10 km. Downlooking or limb-viewing sensors, such as those from satellites, have limited sensitivity to the lower atmosphere; however, uplooking, ground-based instruments provide complementary information to satellite observations to improve trace gas estimates at lower atmospheric levels. Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application, version 2 (MERRA-2) is a reanalysis product that integrates satellite information but also inherits their higher uncertainties at lower atmospheric levels. An observation-based climatology of the uncertainty in the MERRA-2 ozone dataset is estimated using ozonesondes launched at Summit Station. MERRA-2 shows high accuracy in the middle stratosphere but larger uncertainties below 10 km. Retrievals that use spectral radiance measurements from the P-AERI improve the estimates of ozone concentrations in the troposphere and lower stratosphere by using prior information from MERRA-2 and our climatology of MERRA-2 uncertainties as the covariance of the prior. Using ozonesonde observations from 2012 to 2017 at Summit Station, Greenland, the quality of the retrieved results is assessed. Comparisons show that retrieved partial columns reduce the bias of MERRA-2 ozone estimation below 10 km, and the average tropospheric ozone concentration is improved significantly.
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