Abstract. Ground-based lidar data have proven extremely useful for profiling the convective boundary layer (CBL). Many groups have derived higher order moments (e.g., variance, skewness, fluxes) from high temporal resolution lidar data using an autocovariance approach. However, these analyses are highly uncertain near the CBL top when the depth of the CBL (zi) is changing during the analysis period. This is because the autocovariance approach is usually applied to constant height levels and the character of the eddies are changing on either side of the changing CBL top. Here, a new approach is presented wherein the autocovariance analysis is performed on a normalized height grid, with a temporally smoothed zi. Output from a large eddy simulation model demonstrates that deriving higher order moments from time series on a normalized height grid has better agreement with the slab averaged quantities than the moments derived from the original height grid.
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