The National Convective Hazard Detection (NCHD) product, created by the Federal Aviation Administration Aviation Weather Research Program’s Convective Weather Product Development Team (FAA/AWRP/CW PDT), is being considered for transition from experimental status to National Weather Service (NWS) operations. In support of the decision process, this paper describes the behavior of NCHD relative to its predecessor, the National Convective Weather Detection (NCWD) product. According to the CW PDT, NCHD was developed to address the known shortcomings of NCWD, primarily the misclassification of some areas of stratiform precipitation as areas of convective hazard (J. Pinto 2006, personal communication). While each product uses the same radar and lightning data as input, the underlying algorithms differ in how they apply processing filters to diagnose hazardous areas. This assessment, lacking a convective hazard “truth” observation, examines NCHD and NCWD in the context of the differences between the algorithms. Quantitative comparison and interpretation for a period during the 2006 convective season are presented along with a qualitative radar case study. This rest of this report is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the overall assessment approach. Section 3 details the methodology of the intercomparison of the products. The results of the intercomparison and the case study appear in Section 4. Finally, conclusions are presented in Section 5.
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