Shaowu Bao authored and/or contributed to the following articles/publications.
A numerical study of the effect of hurricane wind asymmetry on storm surge and inundation
The influence of the asymmetric structure of hurricane wind field on storm surge is studied with five types of numerical experiments using a three-dimensional storm surge model. The results from the case of Hurricane Floyd (1999) show that Floyd-induced peak surge would have been much higher had the region of maximum wind rotated 30–90° counterc...
The HWRF system became operational at NCEP for the 2007 hurricane season. Future plans to advance the HWRF system for continued improvement of track and for improving prediction of storm intensity, storm structure and coastal inundation are underway at NCEP and will be discussed. An integral part of this effort will require the involvement and c...
Impact of the Hydrometeor Vertical Advection Method on HWRF’s Simulated Hurricane Structure
The impact of different hydrometeor advection schemes on TC structure and intensity forecasts is examined through the evaluation of HWRF’s simulation of tropical cyclones using the operational Ferrier–Aligo (FA) microphysics that uses total condensate advection versus the same scheme but with separate hydrometeor advection (FA-adv). Results show...
Institutions National Center for Atmospheric Research - NCAR National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
Community HWRF Users' Guide v3.5a August 2013
The Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) system for hurricane prediction (HWRF) is an operational model implemented at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) of the National Weather Service (NWS) to provide numerical guidance to the National Hurricane Center for the forecasting of tropical cyclones' track, intensity, and structu...
Institutions National Center for Atmospheric Research - NCAR National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
Community HWRF Users Guide V3.5A
The Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) system for hurricane prediction (HWRF) is an operational model implemented at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) of the National Weather Service (NWS) to provide numerical guidance to the National Hurricane Center for the forecasting of tropical cyclones’ track, intensity, and structu...
Institution National Center for Atmospheric Research - NCAR
The Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model (HWRF) is an operational model used to provide numerical guidance in support of tropical cyclone forecasting at the National Hurricane Center. HWRF is a complex multicomponent system, consisting of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) atmospheric model coupled to the Princeton Ocean Mode...
Institutions National Center for Atmospheric Research - NCAR National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
The HAFS model is an effort under the NGGPS and UFS initiatives to create the next generation of hurricane prediction and analysis system based on FV3-GFS. It has been validated extensively using traditional verification indicators such as tracker error and biases, intensity error and biases, and the radii of gale, damaging and hurricane strengt...
Community HWRF Users’ Guide V3.5a
The Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) system for hurricane prediction (HWRF) is an operational model implemented at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) of the National Weather Service (NWS) to provide numerical guidance to the National Hurricane Center for the forecasting of tropical cyclones’ track, intensity, and structu...