Sean Madine authored and/or contributed to the following articles/publications.
User-specific evaluation technologies for the NextGen weather Single Authoritative Source
Adverse weather has a profound impact on the safety, efficiency, and capacity of the National Air Space System (NAS). Therefore, improved decision making when weather impacts aviation operations is a key NextGen objective. The NextGen 4-D Weather Single Authoritative Source (SAS) will provide a single de-conflicted authoritative definition of th...
FX-NET use to support the 2002 olympic winter games and fire weather incident meteorologists
This report summarizes a formal quality assessment of CoSPA, a high-resolution convective forecast being developed for use in air traffic management. On behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aviation Weather Research Program, and in support of an Aviation Weather Technology Tran sfer (AWTT) D4 (operationa l) decision point, this study ...
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
Quality Assessment Report: National Ceiling and Visibility Analysis Product
This report summarizes a formal quality assessment of the National Ceiling and Visibility Analysis product (NCVA), a gridded analysis th at evaluates reported ceiling and visibility information for the purpose of improving the flight planning process. On behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aviation Weather Research Program, and in su...
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
Quality Assessment Report: National Ceiling and Visibility Analysis Product
"This report summarizes a formal quality assessment of the National Ceiling and Visibility Analysis product (NCVA), a gridded analysis that evaluates reported ceiling and visibility information for the purpose of improving flight planning process. On behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration's Aviation Weather Research Program, and in suppor...
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA