Andrew C. Kren authored and/or contributed to the following articles/publications.
Few studies have examined the forecast uncertainties brought about from varying aircraft flight track patterns in targeted observations for extratropical winter storms. To examine the degree of uncertainty in downstream forecasts caused by different aircraft flight patterns, a series of observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) are perform...
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
Numerous satellites utilized in numerical weather prediction are operating beyond their nominal lifetime, and their replacements are not yet operational. We investigate the impacts of a loss of U.S.-based microwave and infrared satellite data and the addition of dropsonde data on forecast skill by conducting Observing System Simulation Experimen...
Ensemble Transform Sensitivity Method for Target Observations: An OSSE Case Study
Unmanned aerial system (UAS) for improving forecast accuracy of high-impact weather systems has been studied under the Sensing Hazards with Operational Unmanned Technology (SHOUT) project in the NOAA joint OSSE system. Due to the limited number of dropsondes, adaptive observation schemes have to be considered in these experiments in order to ful...
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA