Steven A. Lack authored and/or contributed to the following articles/publications.
An Object-Oriented Multiscale Verification Scheme
Object-oriented verification methodology is becoming more and more common in the evaluation of model performance on high-resolution grids. The research herein describes an advanced version of an object-oriented approach that involves a combination of object identification on multiple scales with Procrustes shape analysis techniques. The multisca...
Methods for estimating air traffic capacity reductions due to convective weather for verification
As the United States is moving toward automated air traffic decision tools (Next Generation Air Transportation System—NextGen), evaluating forecasts for potential operational use is of primary importance. Air traffic management needs reliable and accurate convective forecast information from 0 to 8 h to be used to route air traffic between conve...
Simple nowcast ensembles were generated by varying the reflectivity band selection in the K-Means cluster advection scheme in WDSS. This has the effect of forecasting the motion of storm cells based on the prior motion of different size clusters defined by the reflectivity threshold. As there is a correlation between cell size and reflectivity t...
The identification and classification of precipitation systems has been ongoing since the advent of using radar for meteorological applications. Recently such systems have been subjectively classified and compared with model fields (i.e. near-storm modeled soundings) for operational forecasting tools. Other work has attempted automating detectio...
An automated method for detecting precipitation and cell type from radar products
A variety of methods exist for discriminating convective and stratiform precipitation using radar imagery. Additionally, many methods have been proposed to classify thunderstorm cells based on their appearance on radar. Frequently these algorithms employ reflectivity thresholds and shape criteria that have been demonstrated to work in many situa...
AutoNowcaster Pilot Evaluation Study
Institution Earth System Research Laboratory - ESRL
This report summarizes a formal quality assessment of CoSPA, a high-resolution convective forecast being developed for use in air traffic management. On behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aviation Weather Research Program, and in support of an Aviation Weather Technology Tran sfer (AWTT) D4 (operationa l) decision point, this study ...
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA