Caroline Draxl authored and/or contributed to the following articles/publications.
The wind-energy (WE) industry relies on numerical weather prediction (NWP) forecast models as foundational or base models for many purposes, including wind-resource assessment and wind-power forecasting. During the Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2) in the Columbia River Basin of Oregon and Washington, a significant effort was made...
Institutions Earth System Research Laboratory - ESRL National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
Scientific challenges to characterizing the wind resource in the marine atmospheric boundary layer
With the increasing level of offshore wind energy investment, it is correspondingly important to be able to accurately characterize the wind resource in terms of energy potential as well as operating conditions affecting wind plant performance, maintenance, and lifespan. Accurate resource assessment at a particular site supports investment decis...
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
In this study, we investigate the parametric sensitivity of near-surface variables, such as sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, ground heat flux, hub-height wind speed and land surface temperature, to the parameters used in the rapid update cycle (RUC) land surface model (LSM) during a winter and summer periods. The model simulations are compa...
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA