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Filtered Data / Calendar year - 2006

Records Found: 83

Title Article Type Fiscal Peer Rev.
Comparing Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) Assimilations With Independent Observations
Journal Article 2007 NO
Bias-corrected Ensemble and Probabilistic Forecasts of Surface Ozone Over Eastern North America During The Summer of 2004
S.Peckham *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2007 NO
Evolution of Ozone, Particulates, and Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing In The Vicinity of Houston Using A Fully Coupled Meteorology-chemistry-aerosol Model
S.Peckham *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2007 NO
Satellite-observed U.S. Power Plant Nox Emission Reductions and Their Impact On Air Quality
G.Grell *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2007 NO
An Iterative Solution of FLUX-PROFILE Relationships In The Surface Layer For Regional Model Applications
M.Pagowski *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2007 NO
Ensemble-based Ozone Forecasts: Skill and Economic Value
G.Grell *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2007 NO
Numerical Simulations of The Wake of Kauai
J.Brown *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2006 NO
Graphical Turbulence Guidance (GTG) Version 2.3
J.Mahoney *
1 GSL Author
General Technical Report 2006 NO
ONE-WAY Coupling of An Atmospheric and A Hydrologic Model In Colorado
M.Pagowski *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2006 NO
Analysis of GPS Rtk Performance Using External NOAA Tropospheric Corrections Integrated With A Multiple Reference Station Approach
S.Sahm *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2006 NO
Flooding On California's Russian River: Role of Atmospheric Rivers
Journal Article 2006 NO
Comparison of Cold Season QPF and PQPF From Time-lagged and Multiple Model Ensembles
Conference Report 2006 NO
Effects of Changing Power Plant Nox Emissions On Ozone In The Eastern United States: Proof of Concept
G.Grell *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2006 NO
The Use of A Modified Ebert-mcbride Technique To Evaluate Mesoscale Model QPF As A Function of Convective System Morphology During IHOP 2002
A.Loughe *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2006 NO
An Optimal HIGH-RESOLUTION Ensemble For Cold Season QPF
Conference Report 2006 NO
Application of Dynamic Linear Regression To Improve The Skill of Ensemble-based Deterministic Ozone Forecasts
S.Mc Keen
Journal Article 2006 NO
Evaluation and Bias Correction of HIGH-RESOLUTION QPF and PQPF During The Hmt 2005-2006 Winter Campaign
Event 2006 NO
Short-range Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts From Multi-model and Time-phased Ensembles
Conference Report 2006 NO
Examination of HIGH-RESOLUTION NWP Model QPF and PQPF For The American River Basin From Time-lagged and Multiple Model Ensembles During Hmt-west 2006
Conference Report 2006 NO
Altair Unmanned Aircraft System Achieves Demonstration Goals
Journal Article 2006 NO
Altair Unmanned Aircraft System Achieves Demonstration Goals
Journal Article 2006 NO
Extreme Precipitation Events and Bias Correction of PQPF During The Hmt 2005-2006 Winter Campaign
Conference Report 2006 NO
The New England HIGH-RESOLUTION Temperature Program
Journal Article 2006 NO
Turbulence Generation By Gravity Waves Within Upper-level Jet-front Systems
Event 2006 NO
The Initial Formulation of A Technique To Employ Gradient Information In A Simple Variational Minimization Scheme
D.Birkenheuer *
1 GSL Author
Noaa Technical Memo 2006 N/A
Estimating Vertical Velocity and Radial Flow From Doppler Radar Observations of Tropical Cyclones
A.Mac Donald
Journal Article 2006 NO
From The 13-km RUC To The Rapid Refresh
T.Schlatter *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Impact of Tamdar Humidity, Temperature, and Wind Observations In RUC Parallel Experiments
Event 2006 NO
Tamdar Aircraft Impact Experiments With The Rapid Update Cycle
Event 2006 NO
Assimilation of Lightning Data Into RUC Model Convection Forecasting
J.Brown *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Direct Use of Satellite Horizontal Gradients In Variational Analysis
D.Birkenheuer *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Performance of Ruc13 and Wrfruc13 Forecasts For The Airs-2 11 November 2003 Icing Case
S.Benjamin *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Forecaster Usage Patterns of AWIPS D2d and Gfesuite During 2005
L.Cheatwood Harris *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Turbulence In MCS Anvils: Observations and Analyses From Bamex
Conference Report 2006 NO
Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting (tamdar) Overview
W.Moninger *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Meetings: Are AMS Conference Practices Changing For Better Or Worse?: A Report On Developments From The 32nd Radar Meteorology and 11th Mesoscale Processes Joint Conference
Journal Article 2006 NO
Testimony Before Joint Hearing By Sen. Subcommittee On Science & Space and Subcommittee On Disaster Prediction and Prevention, On November 10, 2005
J.Golden *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2006 NO
Towards A New Paradigm For Weather Modification Science and Technology
J.Golden *
1 GSL Author
Journal Article 2006 NO
HPC Activities In The Earth System Research Laboratory
J.Smith *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Expanding The Power of AWIPS With Plugins
U.Grote *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Development of FAA National Ceiling and Visibility Products: Challenges, Strategies, and Progress
J.Brown *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
The Role of Physical Scheme Interactions In Design of A Mixed-physics Ensemble For Warm Season MCS Rainfall Forecasting
Event 2006 NO
National Convective Hazard Detection Product
J.Mahoney *
1 GSL Author
General Technical Report 2006 NO
An Analysis of CCFP Forecast Performance For The 2005 Convective Season
J.Hart *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Recovery of Flow-dependent Model Error Covariance From Time-phased, Multi-model Ensembles
Event 2006 NO
The Influence of Pbl Parameterizations On The Distributions of Chemical Species In A Mesoscale Chemical Transport Model, WRF-CHEM
S.Peckham *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
The Generation of Gravity Waves In Unbalanced Jet Streams
Event 2006 NO
Model Development and Enhancement PDT
Event 2006 NO
Modeling of Mountain Waves In T-REX
J.Brown *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Verification of Convection-resolving Model Forecasts: Accumulated Precipitation Vs. Simulated Radar Reflectivity Fields
Event 2006 NO
Turbulent Mixing Processes In Atmoshperic Solitions Deduced From Profiling Systems and Modeling Experiments
M.Pagowski *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Use of Radar Data For Tc Initialization and Predictions
A.Mac Donald
Conference Report 2006 NO
Idealized Data Assimilation Experiment With Different Observation Distributions Using Ensemble Kalman Filter and Optimal Interpolation
Journal Article 2006 NO
Development of Time-phased Multi-model Ensemble Forecast System
Conference Report 2006 NO
HIGH-RESOLUTION Numerical Simulation of Gravity Wave-induced Turbulence In Association With An Upper-level Jet System
Conference Report 2006 NO
Short-range QPF and PQPF Using Time-phased, Multi-model Ensembles
Conference Report 2006 NO
Comparing The FAA Cloud Top Height Product and The NESDIS/CIMSS Cloud Top Pressure Product In Oceanic Regions
J.Mahoney *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
The FAA Aviation Weather Research Program Quality Assessment Product Development Team
J.Mahoney *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Applications of Tamdar Aircraft Data Reports In NWS Forecast Offices
W.Moninger *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Aviation Applications of Tamdar Aircraft Data Reports
W.Moninger *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Statistical Modeling of Downslope Windstorms In Boulder, Colorado
J.Brown *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Amdar Optimization Studies at The Forecast Systems Laboratory
E.Szoke *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Amdar Optimization Studies at The Earth System Research Laboratory / Global Systems Division
E.Szoke *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Automated Weather Reports From Aircraft: Tamdar and The U.S. Amdar Fleet
W.Moninger *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Reevaluating The Equitable Threat Score of Forecasts Using The Economic Value Concept
M.Pagowski *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Effects of Surface Moisture, Land-atmosphere Exchanges, and Turbulent Transport On Precipitation Over The Rocky Mountains and High Plains
G.Grell *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Behavior of WRF Bl Schemes and Land-surface Models In 1-D Simulations During Bamex
M.Pagowski *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Assessing Two Different Commercial AIRCRAFT-BASED Sensing Systems
W.Moninger *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Comparison of Column Integrated Water Vapor Measurements From Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (airs) and Surface-based Global Positioning System Receivers
S.Gutman *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Estimates of Boundary Layer Profiles By Means of Ensemble-filter Assimilation of Near-surface Observations In Parameterized Pbl
M.Pagowski *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
The Emergence of Numerical Air Quality Forecasting Models and Their Application
S.Mc Keen
Conference Report 2006 NO
Gridded Fx-net Prototype Project For The Bureau of Land Management, National Interagency Fire Center
N.Wang *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Quality Assessment Report National Convective Weather Forecast 2 (NCWF-2)
J.Mahoney *
1 GSL Author
General Technical Report 2006 NO
The Awrp Turbulence PDT
W.Moninger *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Operational Assimilation of GPS-IPW Observations In The 13-km RUC at NCEP
K.Holub *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Comparison of RUC Condensate Analyses and Forecasts With Satellite-derived Cloud Properties
S.Benjamin *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Compression and Relay Management System In Gridded Fx-net System Architecture and Use of Wavelet Compression
E.Polster *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
The Denver Cyclone and Tornadoes 26 Years Later: The Continued Challenge of Predicting Nonsupercell Tornadoes
E.Szoke *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
An Evaluation of Tamdar Soundings In Severe Storm Forecasting
W.Moninger *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Impact of Tamdar On RUC Forecasts: Case Studies
T.Smith *
1 GSL Author
Event 2006 NO
Cloud and Hydrometeor Analysis Using Metar, Radar, and Satellite Data Within The Ruc/rapid Refresh Model
J.Brown *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Evaluation and Calibration of Short-range PQPF From Multi-model and Time-phased Ensembles During Hmt-west-2006
P.Schultz *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2006 NO
Assessing The Impact of Simulated Cosmic GPS Radio Occultation Data On Weather Analysis Over The Antarctic: A Case Study

Journal Article 2007 NO