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Filtered Data / Calendar year - 2012

Records Found: 65

Title Article Type Fiscal Peer Rev.
Monitoring The Characteristics of Satellite Microwave Water Vapor Observations Over The Ocean
K.Holub *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2012 NO
Python: The Key To Graphical Forecast Editor's Success
T.Le Febvre *
1 GSL Author
Event 2012 NO
An Examination of The Potential Aviation Application of HIGH-RESOLUTION Convective Resolving Models Initialized With LAPS and STMAS
Z.Toth *
1 GSL Author
Conference Report 2012 NO
Development of An Automated Approach For Identifying Convective Storm Type Using Reflectivity-derived and Near-storm Environment Data

Journal Article 2012 NO
Experiments With The Assimilation of Fine Aerosols Using An Ensemble Kalman Filter

Journal Article 2013 NO
Development and Initial Application of The Global-through-urban Weather Research and Forecasting Model With Chemistry (gu-wrf/chem)

Journal Article 2013 NO
Effects of Diurnal Cycle On A Simulated Asian Summer Monsoon

Journal Article 2012 NO
The Weather Research and Forecasting Model's Community Variational/ensemble Data Assimilation System: Wrfda

Journal Article 2012 NO
Short-range (0–12 H) Pqpfs From Time-lagged Multimodel Ensembles Using LAPS

Journal Article 2012 NO
Bias Correction For Global Ensemble Forecast

Journal Article 2012 NO
Effect of Aerosol-radiation Feedback On Regional Air Quality – A Case Study With WRF/CHEM

Journal Article 2012 NO
A Global Atmospheric Analysis Dataset Downscaled From The Ncep–doe Reanalysis

Journal Article 2012 NO
Potential Impacts of The Introduction of Low-sulfur Fuel On Pm2.5 Concentrations at Breathing Level In A Subarctic City

Journal Article 2012 NO
Operational Model Evaluation For Particulate Matter In Europe and North America In The Context of Aqmeii

Journal Article 2012 NO
Model Evaluation and Ensemble Modelling of Surface-level Ozone In Europe and North America In The Context of Aqmeii

Journal Article 2012 NO
Local and Mesoscale Impacts of Wind Farms As Parameterized In A Mesoscale NWP Model

Journal Article 2012 NO
Application of A WRF Mesoscale Data Assimilation System To Springtime Severe Weather Events 2007–09

Journal Article 2012 NO
The Pretornadic Phase of The Goshen County, Wyoming, Supercell of 5 June 2009 Intercepted By Vortex2. Part Ii: Intensification of Low-level Rotation

Journal Article 2012 NO
The Pretornadic Phase of The Goshen County, Wyoming, Supercell of 5 June 2009 Intercepted By Vortex2. Part I: Evolution of Kinematic and Surface Thermodynamic Fields

Journal Article 2012 NO
Reconciling Simulated and Observed Views of Clouds: Modis, Isccp, and The Limits of Instrument Simulators

Journal Article 2012 NO
Analyzing The Eyjafjallajökull 2010 Eruption Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Lidar and WRF-CHEM Dispersion and Tracking Model

Journal Article 2013 NO
Estimation and Calibration of Observation Impact Signals Using The Lanczos Method In Noaa/ncep Data Assimilation System

Journal Article 2012 NO
The Second Verification of The Origins of Rotation In Tornadoes Experiment: Vortex2

Journal Article 2012 NO
Relating A Convective Translation Metric To Convective Impact

General Technical Report 2012 NO
Wavelet Satellite Thinning For Improving Data Assimilation and Forecast Using Targeted Observation Schemes

Conference Report 2012 NO
Nextgen Testing Portal

Event 2012 NO
The Quest For The Perfect User Interface Technology

Event 2012 NO
Impact of Tropical Cyclones On The Ocean Heat Budget In The Bay of Bengal During 1999: 1. Model Configuration and Evaluation

Journal Article 2012 NO
Impact of Tropical Cyclones On The Ocean Heat Budget In The Bay of Bengal During 1999: 2. Processes and Interpretations

Journal Article 2012 NO
Evaluation of The Improved Humidity Analysis In Multiscale Data Assimilation On Windsor Tornado

Conference Report 2013 NO
A Multiscale Dynamic Downscaling Technique For Application In Geoscience and Weather Forecast

Conference Report 2012 NO
The Ndfd Thunderstorm Probability Field: An Assessment of Forecast Lead Time and Spatial Displacement

General Technical Report 2012 NO
Estimation and Calibration of Observation Impact Signals Using The Lanczos Method In Noaa/ncep Data Assimilation System

Journal Article 2012 NO
Analysis of Finescale Weather Phenomena

Journal Article 2012 NO
NOAA'S Future Ensemble-based Hurricane Forecast Products

Journal Article 2012 NO
Bias Correction For Global Ensemble Forecast

Journal Article 2012 NO
Examination of The Various FIM Model Configurations and Other NWP Guidance For An Historic High-impact Snowstorm In The Northeast U.S. In Late October.

Conference Report 2012 NO
The GOES-R Proving Ground: An Opportunity For Forecasters To Shape The Satellite Products of The Future.

Conference Report 2012 NO
An Update On Cira’s GOES-R Proving Ground Activities.

Conference Report 2013 NO
Emission Inventory of Air Pollutants and Trend Analysis Based On Various Regulatory Measures Over Megacity,

Book Section 2012 NO
Sensitivity Analysis of Aerosol Feedbacks On Chemistry and Climate at Urban and Regional Scales

Event 2012 NO
Constraining Urban-to-global Scale Estimates of Black Carbon Distributions, Sources, Regional Climate Impacts, and Co-benefit Metrics With Advanced Coupled Dynamic- Chemical Transport -adjoint Models

Event 2012 NO
Effect of Aerosol-radiation Feedback On Regional Air Quality - A Case Study With WRF/CHEM

Journal Article 2012 NO
Potential Impacts of The Introduction of Low-sulfur Fuel On Pm2.5 Concentrations at Breathing Level In A Subarctic City

Journal Article 2012 NO
Operational Model Evaluation For Particulate Matter In Europe and North America In The Context of Aqmeii 

Journal Article 2012 NO
Evaluation of Operational Online-coupled Regional Air Quality Models Over Europe and North America In The Context of Aqmeii Phase 2. Part Ii: Particulate Matter

Journal Article 2012 NO
Analyzing The Eyjafjallajokull 2010 Eruption Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Lidar and WRF-CHEM Dispersion and Tracking Model

Journal Article 2013 NO
Analyzing The Eyjafjallajokull 2010 Eruption Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Lidar and WRF-CHEM Dispersion and Tracking Model

Journal Article 2013 NO
Development and Initial Application of The Global-through-urban Weather Research and Forecasting Model With Chemistry (gu-wrf/chem)

Journal Article 2013 NO
Community Support and Testing of The Hurricane WRF Model at The Developmental Testbed Center

Event 2012 NO
Hurricane WRF: Transition of Research To Operations Facilitated By The Developmental Testbed Center

Event 2012 NO
WRF/CHEM Version 3.4 User's Guide Technical Memo

N/A 2012 NO
Community Support and Testing of The Hurricane WRF Model at The Developmental Testbed Center

Event 2012 NO
Community HWRF Users Guide V3.4a

General Technical Report 2012 NO
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model: 2012 Scientific Documentation

General Technical Report 2012 NO
HWRF Sensitivity To Variations In Physical Parameterizations

Event 2012 NO
A Tropospheric Ozone Maximum Over The Equatorial Southern Indian Ocean

Journal Article 2012 NO
Selection of Momentum Variables For A Three-dimensional Variational Analysis

Journal Article 2012 NO
Enabling Science Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems For Arctic Environmental Monitoring.

General Technical Report 2013 NO
An Assessment of A Real-time Analysis and Its Impact On Dispersion Modeling

Book Section 2012 NO
The Application of Radio Occultation Observations For Climate Monitoring and Numerical Weather Prediction In The Australian Region

Journal Article 2013 NO
NOAA'S Rapid Response To The Howard A. Hanson Dam Flood Risk Management Crisis

Journal Article 2012 NO
Subkilometer Simulation of A Torrential-rain-producing Mesoscale Convective System In East China. Part I: Model Verification and Convective Organization

Journal Article 2012 NO
Tornado Maintenance Investigated With HIGH-RESOLUTION Dual-doppler and ENKF Analysis

Journal Article 2012 NO
A Survey of Selected Aviation Weather Products

Technical Memo 2012 NO